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What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence is a pattern of coercive, controlling behavior that can include physical, emotional, psychological, sexual or financial abuse.
Domestic violence is a pervasive, life-threatening crime that affects millions of individuals across the United States regardless of age, economic status, race, religion or education.
High-profile cases of domestic violence will attract headlines, but thousands of people experience domestic abuse every day. Victims and perpetrators come from all walks of life.
In the 2013 Domestic Violence Counts 24-hour survey, the National Network to End Domestic Violence found that U.S. domestic violence programs served nearly 65,321 victims and answered more than 23,045 crisis hotline calls in one day alone. [1]
It’s important for survivors to know that the abuse is not their fault, and they are not alone. Help is available for those who suffer from domestic violence.
What Resources are Available for Victims?
Survivors have many options from obtaining a protection order to staying in a shelter, or exploring options through support group or anonymous calls to a local domestic violence/sexual assault program. There is hope and you are not alone.
There are thousands of local shelters across the United States that provide safety, counseling, legal help, and other resources for victims and their children. Information and support is available for victims of abuse, their friends, and family.
In Wyoming, each county and the Wind River Indian Reservation has a domestic violence and sexual assault advocacy program that provides free and confidential services. To locate the program nearest you, see pages 124-125 in this book.
In addition to Wyoming advocacy programs, national hotlines are available and provide confidential and anonymous support.
National Domestic Violence Hotline @ 1-800-799-7233 or TTY 1-800-787-3224 (
National Teen Dating Abuse Hotline—Love Is Respect provides teens and young adults with confidential and anonymous support by phone @ 1-866-331-9474 or online real-time chat (
- RAINN (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network) Hotline @ 1-800-656-4672 or online real-time chat (
Before using online resources, know that your computer or phone may not be safe. Some abusers misuse technology to stalk and track all of a partner’s activities. For more information about your online safety, please see the National Network to End Domestic Violence’s safety considerations at